How Long After Bariatric Surgery Can You Get Plastic Surgery?

Woman looking at mirrorUndergoing major weight loss — whether through diet and exercise or via bariatric surgery — is a major feat that takes a lot of dedication and focus. While achieving a healthy weight after struggling with obesity can be life-changing, many people are disappointed by the significant amount of excess skin that can remain. This sagging tissue tends to happen after massive weight loss due to the fact it cannot fully retract after being stretched so far. Since this can make many men and women feel self-conscious with their new body, some choose to undergo body contouring after major weight loss — but how soon is it safe to do so after bariatric surgery?

Patients who lose weight through a bariatric procedure, such as gastric bypass or gastric banding, may be anxious to undergo plastic surgery to further sculpt their body. As with any cosmetic surgery, though, our plastic surgeons advise patients it is best to wait until they are at a stable, healthy weight. After bariatric surgery, this may take about 12 to 18 months to get to this goal. Since the time period may differ for every patient, our surgeons recommend waiting about a year after weight loss surgery, with at least 3 months of maintaining a stable weight.

By not rushing into post-bariatric body contouring, you can correct any nutritional deficiencies that could affect your health, reduce the risk of complications associated with a higher body mass index (BMI), and achieve the best aesthetic outcome since your body shouldn’t be undergoing anymore major changes. If you would like more information about plastic surgery after major weight loss, as well as learn the best time frame for your needs, please contact our team at Richmond Aesthetic Surgery to schedule your consultation.