Common Concerns

Each cosmetic enhancement performed at Richmond Aesthetic Surgery is custom-tailored to suit the individual needs and expectations of the patient. During the consultation process, our board-certified plastic surgeon will thoroughly discuss your goals, allowing himm to create a surgical plan that can address your unique needs and help you achieve your desired results. Some of the most common concerns shared among patients include:

Stubborn Pockets of Fat

A nutritious diet and routine exercise are traditional and effective means of weight loss. However, the natural aging process as well as pregnancy can cause isolated deposits of fat to accumulate in areas such as the waistline, love handles, back, arms, and thighs. Many patients find that these small areas of fat prove troublesome and resistant to even the most rigorous diet and exercise efforts. During various plastic surgery procedures (or on its own), our plastic surgeon can use liposuction to simultaneously eliminate any pockets of excess fat to maximize the slimming results of the cosmetic procedure.

Loose, Sagging Skin

Loose skin does not typically respond to diet and exercise, and lax skin may be permanently stretched or damaged. When this skin is eliminated with aesthetic procedures such as a tummy tuck, fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty, or body contouring after major weight loss, patients can enjoy a flatter, smoother physique. During these types of procedures, the skin is pulled taut over the affected area(s) and can also reveal the underlying muscles for a more toned appearance. Women who have had one or more pregnancies may find these procedures particularly effective for regaining their pre-pregnancy figure. In addition, men and women who have lost a significant amount of weight often have loose skin accumulated around the midsection and can benefit greatly from body contouring.

Hanging or sagging skin around the abdomen, back, pubic area, breasts, upper arms, thighs, and other areas can be troublesome for many men and women.

Stretched Abdominal Muscles After Pregnancy

When the abdomen protrudes from the body, fat is not necessarily the cause. In some cases, especially after pregnancy when the abdominal musculature may be weakened, stretched, or torn, abdominal muscles may distort the body’s natural proportions creating a “mommy pooch” or “mommy tummy.” When this weakening occurs to the vertical muscles of the abdominal wall (the rectus abdominus), the waistline can appear wider and an excess of skin and fatty tissue may hang from the front of the abdomen.

During the tummy tuck procedure, your plastic surgeon is able to tighten and repair the separated abdominal muscles, strengthening the layers of the abdominal wall, and ultimately creating a flatter, more toned stomach and a narrower waistline. In cases where isolated fat deposits are contributing to the protrusion of the abdomen, liposuction can be used to further enhance the results of a tummy tuck. The final outcome can be a well-proportioned, more athletic-looking figure. While a tummy tuck can be performed by itself, it may also be included as part of a mommy makeover for a more comprehensive improvement.

Stretch Marks or C-section Scars

Stretch marks and C-section scars are common cosmetic concerns for women who have had one or more pregnancies. These women may feel uncomfortable wearing a bikini after their pregnancy or self-conscious wearing certain types of underwear. In addition to eliminating excess skin, a tummy tuck can often resolve these two concerns as well. During the procedure, excess skin is excised and the remaining skin is brought down taut over the abdomen. The incision can be made below a C-section scar, and that area of the skin can be removed, along with much of the skin where stretch marks typically occur.

The scar from the tummy tuck surgery can be carefully placed very low on the abdomen, right above the pubic area, allowing patients to wear bikini bottoms and more revealing underwear with confidence.

Rashes in Skin Folds

Dermatological issues developed from overhanging skin folds can cause severe discomfort in the form of rashes, irritations, and infections. Affected areas often include the front of the abdomen (pannus), underneath breasts in the inframammary fold, creases in the neck or back, and other regions. To help relieve chronic symptoms, such as red, raw, chaffed, or cracked skin, abscesses, and sores, that are resistant to topical medications—especially for individuals after significant weight loss—cosmetic skin removal procedures can be an effective solution. Depending on the area(s) of concern, surgeries such as a tummy tuck, panniculectomy, breast lift, or body contouring after major weight loss may be recommended as treatment.

Flat Buttocks

Certain areas of the body either tend to lose their shape and fullness over time or may not have the amount of volume desired by an individual from their given natural physique. One of the most common areas this can occur in is the buttocks. Although customized exercises can tone and build up muscles in the buttocks, not all people are able to achieve the targeted results they desire. Fortunately, there are procedures designed to augment specific areas of the body for aesthetic enhancement.

For the buttocks, a body fat transfer can be an ideal option, especially if the individual would like to redistribute fat from one area of the body to the other to create more shapely curves and contours. Fat tissues can be removed via liposuction from virtually anywhere on the body (abdomen, arms, thighs, etc.) and then carefully injected into the buttocks for a fuller, firmer backside or more balanced proportions.

Contact Richmond Aesthetic Surgery

For more information about the cosmetic enhancement procedures offered at our practice, please schedule a consultation at Richmond Aesthetic Surgery today.